Michael Green: “Witches Wizards Brews and Broomsticks – but could they really fly?”

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Monday, 9th November 2015 at 7 pm
RüKONTOR (5. Etage), Rüttenscheider Str. 144, 45131 Essen
This is a talk about witches, and the pharmacology which they employed –
especially about the Pendle witches in Lancashire, who attained particular
notoriety. They were experts in the herbs of the hedgerows, and a bit of smart
talking and salesmanship as well. They claimed to be able to cure diseases,
bring wealth, inspire desire, and wreak vengeance upon enemies. They were
also alleged able to fly.
The magical skills of witches were largely based upon a knowledge of the
powers of plants and until very recently, Medicine owed them a considerable
debt. Though the majority of their herbs were ineffective, and some were
frankly dangerous, the patients believed in them – and so did we, the
prescribers – we were witches in white coats!
Witchcraft in one form or another exists worldwide, but its influence and the
fear which it inspired were most widespread in Europe, particularly in
Protestant communities, notably the British Isles and Germany.

Mike Green is Emeritus Professor of Forensic Pathology in the University of
Sheffield. He was a Home Office Pathologist from 1974- 2001. His work has
taken him all over the place, from USSR and USA to Malawi and Malaysia –
with a couple of trips to the Falklands thrown in. At other times in his wide and
varied experience,he has been a Flying Doctor in Australia, a GP in an inner
city practice, and spent four years trying to follow a career in paediatrics. Now
retired, but still gets involved in Medico Legal work at home and abroad.